Border Crossing

Important Border Crossing Information for Riders

Ride Lake Superior is an epic motorcycle journey that brings riders around the Great Lake into 1 province and 3 states. Because you’ll be crossing the border into the U.S. and Canada, there are some things you should know when planning. We’ve rounded up some of our most asked questions and answers. 

If you need help planning your trip, please call or email us. We’re always happy to help.

Do I need to bring a passport?

U.S. Citizens Entering Canada

U.S. citizens must carry proper identification like: 

  • a valid U.S. passport
  • a valid green card
  • NEXUS card
  • FAST card

Permanent residents of the U.S. who are members of the NEXUS or FAST programs must travel with a passport and proof of permanent residence and may be asked to present these documents to the officer upon arrival at the border.

U.S. Citizens Returning Home

If you are returning from Canada, you will need one of these valid WHTI-compliant travel documents:

  • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
  • Enhanced Driver’s License
  • Enhanced Tribal Card
  • Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) cards* (Global Entry**, NEXUS, or SENTRI)
  • U.S. military orders (PCS) with valid military ID. Accompanying immediate family members can use any WHTI-compliant travel document. 
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential with official travel letter.

* ALL passengers in a vehicle must be a TTP member and present their respective TTP cards when using the dedicated SENTRI or NEXUS lanes entering the United States at a U.S. border port of entry.

Canadian Citizens Entering The United States

If you are a Canadian citizen entering the United States at the Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Border, or the Pigeon River Border, you must present one of the travel documents listed below:

  • Canadian passport
  • Enhanced Driver’s License/Enhanced Identification Card
  • SENTRI enrollment cards

Native American Indians born in Canada with at least 50% American Indian blood are exempt from having a visa and passport to enter the United States by land. They should have their tribal identity card to present to the CBP Officer. 

Canadian Citizens Returning Home

  • Canadian passport
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • permanent residence card
  • citizenship card
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) card or valid Certificate of Indian Status (CIS) card

If you do not have a passport and are returning to Canada, these documents denote identity and citizenship:

  • NEXUS card, held by a Canadian citizen
  • FAST card (Free and Secure Trade), issued to a Canadian citizen (when arriving by land)
  • Canadian emergency travel document
  • Canadian temporary passport
  • Certificate of Canadian citizenship (issued from 1954 to present)
  • Enhanced driver’s license issued by a Canadian province or territory
  • Enhanced identification/photo card issued by a Canadian province or territory

Permanent residents of Canada who are members of the NEXUS or FAST programs must travel with a passport and proof of permanent residence and may be asked to present these documents to the officer upon arrival at the border.

Can I bring my firearm or other dangerous goods?

Handguns, assault-type weapons and automatics, and other weapons like pepper spray and mace are considered restricted and/or prohibited firearms. You will not be allowed entry into Canada if you are carrying a firearm or other prohibited goods.

What can I do if I have a DUI or a criminal record?

Entering Canada and the United States with DUI offences click here

If you have a criminal record, you may be unable to enter Canada. To determine whether you are criminally inadmissible and get information about how to overcome this finding, refer to the IRCC website. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officials determine if you can enter Canada in accordance with Canadian law.  This includes DUI convictions. Depending on the crime, how long ago it was committed and your record since the conviction, you may be allowed to enter Canada, if:

  • You convince a Canadian Customs Officer that you meet the legal terms to be deemed rehabilitated
  • Applied for rehabilitation and approved
  • Granted a record suspension
  • Have a Temporary Resident Permit

For more information, visit the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Overcome criminal convictions page click here

What can I bring or not bring across the border?

Cannabis is prohibited to bring across the Canadian border and the U.S. border. In Canada, cannabis use is legal and can be purchased from a licensed Ontario retailer.

Both Canada and the U.S. have regulations for bringing in alcohol, tobacco, and food products. See below links to helpful information when planning your trip on both sides of the border:

  • Bringing Food in Canada for Personal Use click here
  • Bringing Food in the U.S.A for Personal Use click here

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